Thou Shalt Not Think He Will Be Remembered
A LOT of small businesses think their company name will be imprinted on the readers brain if seen over and over.
Name all of the ads you seen yesterday. Hmm, that is tough. Name the ones for a service or a product that interested you.... Come up with any?
There is a strong theory that we see 2000 ads a day. When we mix in those ads with our daily life almost all is forgotten. Back a few years ago with the beer commercials and their many funny, cute and expensive ads could not get separation from the other beers. Most people when polled could not name the right beer for the ad. Millions and millions of dollars wasted.
Institutional ads (getting your name out their) suck. Small businesses try like hell to create these meaningless ads to look bigger. Meanwhile the bigger companies are trying to look smaller by being more personal.
Do you want to know how you can be remembered? Turn the reader into a customer. Your company slogan, song or logo are not reasons to buy from you.
Your ads are to create sales, not recognition. Have you tried to deposit false recognition in your bank? It's worthless.
You want to create a buzz. Get people talking so you don't need to. Create ads that solve peoples problems and you will destroy competitors. If you all just do the same thing than it is winner by attrition, last man standing or a coin toss.
Screw that, I play to win. Don't you want to win? Damned straight you do.
I have kicked my competitors asses many times with actionable ads.
If you really want to be remembered for something; you must do something to be remembered for. 'Here we are" is not one of them.
Go get some
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